Parent Resources

Schoolwide Positive Behavior Plan

The Glenmar Elementary School Behavior Plan can be viewed by clicking
on the link below.

Schoolwide Positive Behavior Plan
In Case of Emergency:
In the event that our local and/or state government directs us
to shift to virtual instruction, student schedules and directions
for accessing Google Meet will be posted to your child's
homeroom teacher's Schoology page.

To view student report cards on Focus, please review the directions for reviewing report cards below.

GES Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Immunization Clinics
Click here to learn more about the dates and information regarding the BTS Immunization Clinics.

Hearing and Vision Screening

Click on the links below to learn about Baltimore County Public School's Hearing and Vision Screening.

Hearing and Vision Screening Information

Información sobre exámenes de audición y visión

y visión

Hand in Hand:  Parents and Educators Working Together

Click on the link to check out the Hand in Hand Newsletter for resources and information for families.

BCPS Parent University Events

BCPS Parent University offers many virtual workshops/seminars/webinars/classes for families on many different topics that are beneficial for families/caregivers. For a complete list of current sessions, please visit the Parent University even page or use this link, for direct access. 

BCPS Facetime Newsletter

Be sure to stay up to date with the latest from the BCPS Family and Community Engagement Office by reading the biweekly FACEtime newsletter. The latest edition can be found by visiting . Also, in case you missed an issue, you can read all previous newsletters. 

BCPS Students & Families

Please be sure to visit the BCPS students & families page ( for the latest information for family engagement. This is also where you can access the BCPS Virtual Calming Room, for your student and yourself!  During            overwhelming times in our life, it's important to find ways to relax and cope. This virtual calming room is a space for students, families, and staff to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings. Enjoy and take some time for yourself!

Baltimore County Public Library - just doesn't have books! 

If you are missing the very popular Glenmar Family Lending Library, that Mrs. Vivian oversaw the past few years, she has some fun info for you... The Baltimore County Public Library offers more than just books for checking out. Of course DVDs and video games are popular, but now you can reserve and check out items such as: board games, adventure backpacks, fishing poles, looms, science kits, and telescope kits. Hot spots and Chromebooks can also be reserved. Check out the BCPL Library of Things for more details! And don't for to explore all of the virtual groups and activities for all ages!

Glenmar Elementary School Reentry Snapshot

School Reentry Questions and Answers for Glenmar Families

BCPS Parent University FACEtime Newsletters 

Advanced Academics Information Letter

ALICE for Parents

Attendance - Parent Guide to Understanding

BCPS Home Page


BCPS Parent University

BCPS Parent Resource Directory

Google and Schoology Parent Information 

Virtual Meeting Best Practices

Parent Roadmap to the Common Core

School Progress Plan Snapshot

Maryland State Parental Resource Information Center 

Check out these resources for Web Safety.