As you may know, in order to volunteer in the classroom, help at any of our special events or be eligible to attend a field trip, you must complete the BCPS volunteer training annually. This training is now easier than ever to complete, as it is available on the BCPS web site ( for you to complete at home via computer, tablet or phone. Please complete the volunteer orientation (be sure to select Glenmar ES as your school), complete the volunteer application and send in to school. Please allow at least 2 weeks for processing.
We hope to see you soon!
Volunteering at Glenmar
"Volunteers are not servants. Volunteers are partners
working together for improving America's future."
-- Mayor Richard Daly
Please click to follow the link to the BCPS Application for Volunteer Services.
Baltimore county’s new online volunteer training orientation
The Volunteer Program of the Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) promotes the successful recruitment, engagement, and retention of non-paid individuals in support of the school system’s mission. Glenmar’s program objectives include, but are not limited to:
Supporting the Glenmar staff in sustaining an effective learning environment
Assisting the Glenmar staff with non-teaching duties
Reinforcing instruction of the teacher in the classroom setting
Enriching the experiences of students
Building better understanding of school system objectives among community and stakeholders
Stimulating widespread community support for public education and the mission of the Baltimore County Public Schools
Before volunteering in any BCPS capacity (including chaperoning for a field trip), a volunteer must complete the BCPS volunteer screening process, which includes submitting a signed BCPS Application for Volunteer Services.
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted"
-- Aesop
Volunteer Application
Please visit to complete the application
AND the volunteer training (please allow 2 weeks for processing.)