Technology Support: What do I do if my child's BCPS Chromebook is not working? Reach out to the BCPS Help Desk for support. The Technology Support Request form is available to BCPS students and staff with BCPS credentials. Parents should work with their child to enter a Technology Support Request form. If you are having trouble submitting a support request, please refer to the Creating a Service Ticket One Pager located here.
Help Desk phone number and hours:
Monday - Friday 7:00am - 4:15pm.
***Lost and intentionally damaged BCPS Chromebooks and chargers will result in a fine.***
BCPS Chromebooks $229
BCPS Chromebook Chargers $40
Click on the links below to access important information regarding BCPS Technology (in case of inclement weather):
Google Meet
Accessing Google Meet for Students
Audio-Video Troubleshooting
Google & Schoology Parent Information
Using Google Meet with the Schoology App on Mobile Devices
Virtual Meeting Best Practices